Street View Page on Israel/Jerusalem

Google Street View is available through Google Maps and Google Earth and provides panoramic views along many streets in the world. It was started in 2007 in the United States and has since expanded to include a large number of countries. Some countries have objected to this form of data gathering and have not allowed Google to take the imagery, Germany being the main hold-out. Available Street View imagery available is shown as blue lines on Google Maps once the so-called pegman has been activated. Images are most often taken by car but a variety of other modes of transport have been used. Once captured, the images are subsequently stitched together. In some areas, Street View images are augmented by privately-done photospheres.


  1. Street View screen captures
  2. Links to Street View panoramas
  3. TripGeo Street View Animations
  4. Moore's Where to Invade Next

1 Street View Screen Captures

Just outside the walls of the Temple Mount with the Dome of the Rock rising above the wall. While tourist look on and take pictures.

A calico cat enjoying the view of the Temple Mount and Dome of The Rock lit up as the sun sets from a perch located at the Mount of Olives Jewish Cemetery. 

Visitors walking around the courtyard of the Church of Mary Magdalene.  This church was built in 1886 by a Russian Emperor Alexander III and he dedicated it to Jesus companion.  

2 Links to Street View Panoramas

Insert three links with descriptions to Street View Panoramas here.

Example-1: Temple Mount Jerusalem

Example-2: Mount of Olives Jewish Cemetery

Example-3: Church of Mary Magdalene  

3 TripGeo Streetview Player

Double click the tour and select open to watch a tour around the Temple Mount following the road that passes around the wall this tour was made with Google Earth Pro.


Temple Mount to Church of the Holy Sepulchre  Click the link then click the view map link and it will take you to the tour.

 Church of the Holy Sepulchre to Church of Mary Magdalene



4 Moore's Where to Invade Next

Moore's documentary is politically polarizing. Conservative columnists, such as Armon White, are sharply critical of the movie. First, comment on the validity of White's negative review. Then, putting aside politics, what can the movie show us about the value of travel in understanding our own country.

I agree with their criticism of this movie.  First off did he bring back ideas to talk about from other countries or was his film the mode in which he did that because I never heard of any bright new ideas from Moore.  His films like to be one sided and stir the pot.  The intro about the joint chiefs meeting and the wars had nothing to do with this film it was pointless.  He traveled around bashing America and he said it best himself when in Italy he is only there to pick the flowers not the weeds.  You can’t bash America and show how wonderful another country is with out showing the bad that each country also had to go through which he only did when he was in Germany.  This was a small picture of how some things in certain locations of a country may do things better than the U.S. this was a very micro observation.  It did make me think a little bit about some of our systems and programs and their differences but that was it.   

Submitted by [Cory Lewis] on [4/5/2019].